Friday, 12 August 2016

Five Herbs for Chest Pain

The chest pain is a very common and serious problem. The chgest pain ios not only the symptom of heart problem or heart attack but it also heralds that the eating habits should be changed.
Herbs and Spices
Wikimedia Commons by erikorama

The excessive intake of food devoid of nutrients and full of fats may also be the cause of chest pain. But is is advisable to consult the physician. In the absence of heart attack try the following special foods to avoid the onslaught of chest pain. These food itema are full of several medicinal benefits for the body without any side effects.  

1. Garlic
The intake of ginger gives relief from several problems like chest pain, acidity, chronic pain, cough, phlegm etc. The intake of a fruit of garlic in the morning gives rleif from chest pain.

2. Turmeric
The turmeric has antifungal, antibacterial and antibiotic properties which help to cure several diseases. The intake of turmeric powder is advisable in case of any heart problem or chest pain. It is better to take turmeric in milk or in foods as a spice.   

3. Mulathi or Liquorice root
Is is slso known as Jethi-madh in Hindi and is the best herbal remdy for itching throat. It is sucked to get throat relief and to get benefits in digestive disorders. It is the chief constituent in several herbal medicines.

4. Basil
Basil keeps the heart healthy. The chewing of 5-6 leaves of basil in the morning replenishes the need of magnesium in the body. It regulates the proper circulation of blood in the body and heart. Basil is very helpful in cold and cough too.

5. Ginger
The ginger roots are very beneficial for different maladies like cold, flu, acidity, swelling, inflammation etc. Take ginger tea during chest pain to get immediate relief.

6. Pomegranate

The intake of pomegranate is also helpful in heart disorders. The regular intake of pomegranate gives relief in chest pain. 

Mobile phone Causes Cancer- American Research

After conducting the research for two and half years on the adverse effects of the radiations emanating from mobile phone, the Us Federal Agency has reached at surprising results.

It has been found that the occurrence of the tumors of brain and heart are related to mobile phones. The researchers subjected the rats to the radiations emanating from the mobile phone.
Mobile Phone
Wikimedia commons by Kgw5360

The American government has so far spent $3million on the ongoing research on the harmful effects of he radiations of mobile phone on the people. The first report of which has recently been published.

The scientists under National Texiccology Program brought the rats in contact with the radio frequencies of mobile phone. 
It was found that two types of tumours, one of brain and the other that of heart developed among the rats. 
No tumor developed among the rats kept away from these frequencies. The experiments were continuously conducted for two and half years.

The small rats were subjected to the frequencies 900 Mega Hertz, while the bigger ones were put under 1900 Mega Hertx. 

The research established that the people of all ages could get affected by radiations emanating from radio frequencies and these effects are worse.

The scientists claimed that this research related to the use of mobile phones and the cancer caused by the radiations is the biggest ever study conducted in the field. 

The researchers said that several people claim that the use of mobile phone has no effect on the health of the people. But the present research is the eye opener to all. 

The further research on male rats is still being conducrted to ascertain the changes appearing in the body after the occurrence of the tumor. It is being done to enable the companies manufacturing the CDMA and GSM to adjust the Radio Frequency Radiations (RFR) to optimum levels as the RFR could not be stopped. 

The risks of cancer are the maximum from the X- Rays and the radiations of mobile phones. After evaluating the repert, the government will seek the opinion of the people in 2017. Some of the results of the research would be published later. About 905 of the Americans use the mobile phones.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

The Health Benefits of Laughter

The pressure of modern hectic life has made us forget that when the last time we laughed. We wear a stoic expression which puts an extra strain on the facial muscles and increases the fine lines of wrinkles. 

The laughter is very important for health and it is an excellent exercise too. If a simple smile helps the photographer to take the best photograph, then it is certain that the permanent smile will make the whole life beautiful. Smile and laughter are very beneficial in social circles. 

A Laughing Women
Wikimedia Commons by Frantogian
Nobody likes the stressed, strained or depressed faces. Laughter has several health benefits as follows.

1. The blood circulation improves with laughter. It is the best exercise for the heart. Laughter reduces the risks of heart attack. A chemical named endorphin is released during laughing which strengthens the muscles of the heart. 

2. Several bacteria, virus and cancer cells get destroyed due to the presence of oxygen in the body. The laughter increases the intake of oxygen and improves the immune system too.

3. The laughter in the morning keeps us happy throughout the day.

4. The laughing before going to bed at night imparts sound sleep.

5. Certain hormones are released during laughing, which helps in arthritis, diabetes, backache, and stress.

6. Laughter gives positive energy.

7. It creates the cheerful atmosphere around us which results in higher efficiency and less stress. 

8.  It helps in obesity as about 400 to 500 calories are used during laughter.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

The Propaganda of Iconoclasts to Create Confusion about History

According to the facts, these three martyrs Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev, were sentenced to death in 'Lahore conspiracy case'. They were sentenced to be hanged on 24th March 1931 by the British. But, the schedule was moved forward by 11 hours for fear of the crowds outside jail premises. So they were actually executed on 23rd March 1931 at 7:30 pm.

All three of them were the great revolutionaries, who sacrificed their young lives to make their motherland, free from the shackles of the British rule. They became so popular that they had become the symbol of the new awakening among the youth.

However, there has been a controversial and malicious campaign doing the rounds on social media, about the date of deaths of the three martyrs. 

On the social networking site Facebook, many people have mentioned the following erroneous notion that " Most of the people know that 14th Feb is celebrated as Valentine Day..........., but in the morning of 14th February 1931 these three legendary heroes were hanged at Lahore.

The valentine day or 14th February is not even the birthday of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, and Rajguru.

The people, philosophy, the political parties who had no contribution or presence in the making of the history of India, particularly the freedom moment are making fun of the history in their chauvinistic jingoism.  
It is an effort of extreme reactionaries, intolerant with others or even the Valentin,s Day which is celebrated in the memory of Saint Valentine, who spread the message of love to all men and women.

The people of hatred will never tolerate love.or any feeling associated with it. It is the feeling of insecurity of the ignorant people unaware of that India which came out of all ancient and medieval upheavals in the history.  
When rumors are spread on such sensitive issues, then, it shows that we are not giving sufficient acknowledgment for the sacrifices made by our great freedom fighters. 

Spreading misinformation about the date of their deaths is not only a mockery of their struggle but also a conspiracy to spread feelings of hatred, on a day that is meant to spread the love.  

The people should not get intolerant with the celebrations of Valentine Day in India. Let the love prevail all philosophies, including the religions and the religious sentiments.

Carbon Dioxide Transformed into Rock- Remedy for Global Warming

In order to save the environment from the increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and greenhouse effect, the scientists have achieved a revolutionary feat. The researchers at Iceland have transformed the carbon dioxide into rocks to save the earth from global warming.
Sea lion in Punta Pitt, Ecuador
Wikimedia Commons by Diego Delso
This research named as Carbon Fix continued for two years at the Hellisheidi Geothermal power plant where carbon dioxide and water were mixed under the basalt rocks at the depth of 540 meters. 
This acidic mixture got mixed up with calcium and magnesium of the rocks which resulted into the formation of limestone.
In this way, according to Jurg Matter of the University of Manhattan, the carbon dioxide was permanently and naturally tapped. Matter is the lead author and related to the research.
It is hoped that the findings of the research would provide an effective weapon to fight against the global warming which is the creation of modern man.
Now carbon dioxide will not remain a gas for longer and would be converted into rocks. It was found in the research that about 95% of the carbon dioxide was captured and transformed into rocks. It happened faster than the previous estimates of the researchers. 

It was supposed that it would take thousands of years in the capturing and storage process of carbon dioxide. David Goldberg, the geophysicist of Columbia University has highly acclaimed this research  and experiment of Iceland.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Fructose halts the Growth of Embryo

The pregnant women are often advised to be careful about diet.They are also advised to abstain from the intake of certain things.A new thing has recently been added to the list.

Human Embryo 
Wikimedia Commons by Gameboysex  
It has been found that the high levels of fructose halt the development of embryo. Fructose reduces the optimum levels of uric acid which causes adverse affects on placenta. Due to this situation the embryo fails to get a chance for proper development. This situation further leads to metabolic complications among the infants after the birth.
So it has been advised by the researchers that the levels of fructose during pregnancy should be tested, so that proper precautions could be taken. It is for the first time that the effects of fructose has come to limelight and the results have been verified. 

Foods Rich in Fructose
The sweetened beverages such as carbonated soft drinks, including white soda and lemon-lime soda, sports drinks etc., contain large quantities of added fructose.
All fruits contain fructose and all fruit juices and some vegetables, berries, honey, and cereal products are high in fructose levels.
The fructose is commonly used as a sweetener in snacks, soft drinks. The sweet foods like desserts, cakes, chocolate and other confectionery also contain fructose.

The malabsorption of fructose commonly causes the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome like abdominal pain, gas and changes in frequency and consistency of bowel movement. Restricting the intake of foods containing more than half of the sugar in the form of fructose, can improve these symptoms in at least 75 percent of people. 

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Memory Loss due to Excess Sugar Intake

It is a generally believed that the excessive intake of sugar causes obesity. But the recent researches have associated the intake of sugar with the damage to the cells of the brain which in turn leads to memory loss.
Sugars; clockwise from top left: 
White refined, unrefined, brown, unprocessed cane
Wikimedia Commons by Romain Behar
The Researchers at new South Vales University have found that the excessive consumption of sugar badly affects the brain and creates stress. The intake of about 50 grams or 10-12 spoons of sugar damage the brain cells which badly affects the functions of the brain and ultimately cause memory loss.
It is known that sweet drinks like lemon water and cola are damaging for the waist and the teeth. But the recent researches prove that sugar affects the part of the brain responsible for behavior and memory.
These conclusions were drawn after conducting experiments for a fortnight on three groups of mice. The members of the first group were kept in isolation for 9 days. The second one was given sugar, while the third group was kept free. It was found after a fortnight that the last group was healthier than the other two. The brain functions of other two groups were minutely studied and it was found to be badly damaged.
It was found that the excess intake of sugar affects the Neuron I gene which is responsible for the development of neurons. This development later on leads to the situation of depression, stress and mood swing.

The researchers have advised the people to take care of their eating habits and drastically change the lifestyle. 

Saturday, 9 April 2016

The Benefits of Walking and Exercises

The regular exercises are necessary not only for the adults but for the children too. The modern children have become so busy that they do not get time for outdoor activity r physical exercises. It is better to spare some time for the exercises as it is very necessary for overall health. Everyone knows that exercises are necessary, but very few know why it is so.  It is necessary for health and other several things. A few of them are listed hereunder.
Walking is more beneficial
Wikimedia Commons by Hansueli Krapf

Beneficial for Sleep
Sleep is very necessary as it relaxes the body and helps in metabolism. The researches prove that there is a close relation between sleep and exercises. The recent studies came to the conclusion that those who perform regular exercises enjoy sound sleep and get up in the morning with more energy and freshness.

Reduces Stress
Stress affects the health in several ways. This stress could be of any form like exam stress, friends stress r the stress of the responsibilities of the family. The exercises and physical activities release the chemicals like dopamine, endorphin and serotonin from the body. These all are feel good hormones released from the brain and give the sense of high feel. These all are happy drugs which help in reducing of stress levels.

Mental and Physical Strength
The exercises not only give physical strength but also strengthen the mind. The workout is beneficial for both mind and body. Hippocampus is the part of the brain responsible for memory and the exercises release a protein which makes the neurons of the mind healthy and strengthens the memory. As a result the brain becomes strong with increased memory.

For Body
The exercises give strength and energy not only to the body but also to the bones.  Regular exercises give strength to immune system and save the body from several diseases.

Gives More Energy
Exercises remove the tiredness and give energy. The body is like an energy producing machine. All physical activities increase the heart beats and more endrophines are released which as a result increases the levels of energy. It is like a solar panel for the body.

Increases Confidence
In addition to fitness and weight loss the exercises provide other things too. Some people remain dissatisfied with their body form and try to give different shape to their body through exercises. But it is health which is of prime importance. One can feel better about onself with exercises. It is type of an attitude which makes the person attractive.

Antioxidant Production
Exercises increase the production of antioxidants. The antioxidants are the chemicals which fight with the infections present in the body and improve the health. The feeling of strength and health inculcates the feeling of independence and happiness.  The exercises increase the self-confidence and gives sound sleep which leads to refreshing next morning.

                       The Benefits of Walking

On the other hand the walking is best for those who are unable to spend hours in workouts in gyms. A person may live longer, if he regularly walks for a time equal to that spent by another person in exercises. This practice will keep a person fit on one hand and provide longer life on other.

For Longevity
According to researches, it is not necessary to sweat for longer durations. A study conducted on more than 3000 people in the age group of 50-70 years revealed that, as compared to overactive and moderately active persons the death risk was 5% more among the inactive ones. An ultrasensitive track was built for the research and the persons were monitored for 8 years. It was found that a person lives longer, if he walks for the time as much as spent by another person in physical exercises.

So it was confirmed that walking or exercises for equal time provide similar benefits. The lifespan increase more by performing light physical works like walking, washing of dish and clothes, house cleaning etc., than by slothful living. 

The daily physical activity of half an hour gives better results. Everyone knows the benefits of walking and this is one of the forms of exercises. 
The barefoot walking on grassy lawn is very beneficial for health. It improves the vision too.

Benefits Heart Patients
The regular walk on grass keeps the heart healthy and fit. Do not think about how much time is to be spent on walking, rather focus on he benefits of it. Walking alleviates stress and removes the negativity. It provides energy and helps to save from several diseases.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

The Adverse Effects of the Goods and Service Tax in India

The corporate world of India is hopeful about the introduction of Goods and Service tax or GST. It is supposed that it will rescue the national market from the global slump. It is true that the GST will make the inter-state business convenient and the growth rate will improve substantially. But there are other problems which will cause problems to the financially weaker states in India.


Against the Autonomy of Indian States
But this small benefit will take away the autonomy of the states. At present, the states impose the taxes as per their needs. But after the introduction of GST, the states will have to charge the taxes as laid down by the Union Government.

Financial Crisis for the Poor Indian States
But the insufficiency of the tax will create an economic crisis for the financially weaker states, as is happening in Greece and other European countries where the Euro is the currency. These countries abandoned their respective currencies and adopted Euro as a common currency. They even closed down their central banks and the new common currency Euro began to be managed by the European Central Bank. The European Central Bank started taking decisions about the currencies in European countries.

The similar system of GST is proposed in India in which the Union Government will take decisions about sales tax in the country. The Union Government will control the whole system of Sales Tax and Excise duty throughout the country. The economically weaker states in India will face the similar adverse effects of GST, as was faced by Greece after surrendering its financial autonomy to the decisions of European Central Bank.

Crisis in Greece
The roots of the crisis in Greece lie in its failure to face the competitive powers of developed countries. The weaker states will face the same crisis after the introduction of a common system of Sales tax throughout India.

The raw and unfinished material from the developing countries is entering the markets of Europe in large quantities. The average daily wages in India are around 300 Rupees, while it is more than 6000 in Europe. As a result, the products manufactured in Europe become costlier. This has led to the closure of Industrial units in Europe.  That is why the sellers find the products manufactured in India and China cheaper than their counterparts in Europe. This has created pressure on all the European economies and this pressure directly appears and had affected the weakest economy of Greece.

The expenses of the Government of Greece were more than the income. This was the chief cause of economic instability in Greece. The government was paying increased salary and pension to its employees and there was a leakage in the government revenue too. The Government of Greece borrowed to bridge the gap between income and expenses. It is a common fact that the economic balance gets disturbed when the expenses surpass the income. This fact became the reason for the economic crisis in Greece. The situation became worse with each loan taken by the government. The loan giving banks imposed the condition that the government would increase the rates of the taxes so that the income may increase to decrease the deficit.  But the increase in taxes decreased the income of the government. The taxes increased the cost of the products made in Greece which decreased its sales in the international market. The reduced sales decreased the income of the government of Greece which further aggravated the economic crisis.

Argentina Survived due to its own Currency
The similar situation had occurred in Argentina a few years ago when the expenses of the government were more than the income.  In such condition the products manufactured in Argentina became costly and the industries came under great pressure. The decreased production reduced the sales tax and excise duty of the government of Argentina. In such a situation the currency devaluation has executed the government. Argentina had the power to devalue its currency as it was its own currency which was not subjected to the control of any central bank. But the situation is different in Greece.  After the devaluation, the products of Argentina became cheap in the international market.  As a result, the industries started running, the revenue increased and the financial crisis came to an end. This positive development occurred because Argentina has its own autonomous currency and the country went for its devaluation as per its needs.

Helplessness of Greece
Today Greece is on the same lines as Argentina. The products of Greece are costly, the industries are being closed and the state revenue is decreasing. The loans make the things move for a few months and then the same crisis prevails. In such a situation it would have been better for Greece to go for the devaluation of its currency. But doing so with Euro is not within the power of Greece.

Devaluation of Currency by China
It is worth mentioning that the government of China too went for the devaluation of its currency Yuan, as the products made in China were not getting the buyers in the international market. China devalued its currency to make its products cheaper. But Greece cannot go for the devaluation of its currency as it has no currency of its own. Is currency is under the control of the European Central Bank? As a result, the crisis is increasing in Greece and even the Prime Minister of the country had to resign. The new elections are scheduled on 20th September of 2015.

Indian Situation
The GST would affect the weak states of India in the same way as Greece was affected by the European Union. At present, the autonomy in the States gives them the power to increase or decrease the taxes as per their requirements.

Recently the state government of Delhi increased the taxes on oil and petrol to generate the resources for health and education services. But this thing would become impossible after the coming of GST. Due to the weak education system, the Chief Ministers would not be able to control the unrest of the people as his hands would be tied by the GST and he may even lose his post. The Union Government of India had found the way to push its States into a crisis like Greece. 

In addition, it is necessary to differentiate between the consumption of the products used by the rich and the poor. It is the right policy to increase the taxes on the products used by the rich like cars, flat screen TV, smartphones, air travel etc., and reduce the taxes on the goods used by the poor like bicycles, saris, matchboxes etc. But the principle of GST is to charge equal taxes on all goods so that the system may become consistent and easy without any controversy. As a result, the products used by the common man would become costly.

Confessions of Finance Minister of India

Arun Jaitley, the Finance Minister of India is of the view that the states will start getting the benefits from the very first day when the new system of GST becomes effective and the consumer States will benefit more than the producer States.

While addressing the Advisory Committee of parliament related to Finance Ministry, he told that the introduction of the GST system would not cause any financial loss to any Indian State. He further elaborated that the Union Government would pay for the losses for the next five years after the introduction of the GST system. The Union Government would also compensate all earlier financial damages caused to the States. During the period of 5 years, the compensation would be to the tune of 100% for 3 years, 75% in the 4th year and 50% in the last year.  

He further elaborated that, accepting the demands of goods producer states, the provision of an additional 1% tax has been made in the GST legislation which will have to be borne by the buyer states. The provision of two years has been made for this tax in the legislation and thereafter the GST Council would decide, whether this tax would be continued or not. 
He said that the States have been assured that the introduction of GST would not damage their interests.

Herein the Finance Minister has himself confessed that the GST system would cause financial losses to the States.

US Administration Wants GST in India

A chief officer of Obama administration in the US said that the Modi Government in India has evoked interest in the private sector of America, but first, the Indian government has to move ahead with economic reforms including the implementation of GST.  He further stated that a more transparent and reliable tax system is very important in India.

Nisha Desai Biswal, the Assistant Foreign Minister of America for the south and central Asia, is of the view that Narinder Modi, the Prime Minister of India has spoken about the economic journey of India on different global forums and has advocated the efforts to strengthen it. She emphasized that the transfer of power in the hands of Mode in India has evoked great interest in the private sector of America. Being an advocate and mouthpiece of Obama government in the south and central Asia, she said that in her opinion Modi is probably the biggest brand ambassador of India to generate such interest.  

Sex for a Sandwich in Greece

After the steps taken by the government to cope with the serious economic crisis in Greece, the women are forced to sell themselves for sex. These facts have been revealed in a recent study.

The report says the Professor Gregory Laexos of the Department of Sociology at the University of Pantiyon at Athens and his team found in a research that the women and girls of Greece have replaced the sex workers of Eastern Europe in prostitution.

In a detailed analysis of this survey of more than 17,000 women engaged in the sex trade in Greece, the team found that the charges of prostitutes are the cheapest in entire Europe.  

It was found that some prostitutes are selling themselves just for a sandwich because they have nothing to eat and this is their only option.

Earlier the charges to have sex with a sex worker were 50 Euros, but now the average rates have come down to a mere 2 Euros. The strange thing is that such instances are on the increase. Most of the sex workers in Greece are in the age group of 17 to 20 years.