It is a wonder of online earning, that an 8 years old child has become a millionaire. Last year an eight years old child earned $1.23 Million or 8 Crore Indian Rupees from YouTube.
During the review the facial expressions of Ivan, as and when he comes to see a new toy are worth watching.
More than 5.8 Million people have watched the reviews of Ivan, and he is the star of YouTube.
The news entails views and the views shape the meaning of news. The news has a different meaning for different persons at different places. Some news affects the entire humanity, while the others are localized. The news deeply influences the new events and the psyche, which in turn shapes the destiny of the people and the nations. The views about some news change from time to time, when the prejudices and the heat subside. So the views about some news should be given a gestation time.
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