Monday, 11 May 2015

What is Dehydration

Several health problems arise due to the loss of water in the body. It is called dehydration in which the toxic substances remain trapped inside the body and spread the poisonous material in the blood.
Water is vital
Wikimedia Commons by Roger McLassus

The people do not know how much water is needed for the body and what the harms of excessive water intake are.

A normal person needs at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day so that the toxins get removed from the body.

Several problems like increase of body fats, weak digestion, improper functioning of limbs and organs, increase of toxins in body, pain in muscles and joints etc. are caused by the loss of water in the body.

The loss of water or dehydration is very serious and damaging problem among those who exercise daily.

The presence of water in the body gets greatly reduced in fever, vomiting, blood infection, stones etc.

There need of water also remains in the body whether the person feels thirsty or not. Sometimes the people drink water only when they feel thirsty. But the body always needs water.

On the other hand, the excessive intake of water removes the vital juices from the body.  

Water is better than Juice

Water is better than juice even if some diet experts advise the opposite. Indeed the juice is good for health, but it is time to take stock of the amount of sugar taken with it.

The experts advise that it is healthier to take water instead of juice. But before giving up the habit of taking juice, it is advisable to balance the diet, if you have included juice in the balanced diet. Add salads to the regular diet and include minerals, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates too.

The intake of water flushes out the toxic chemicals from the body.   

The consumption of water has the following benefits.

1. Water is free from calories and there is no concern of weight gain. On the other hand, the juices contain enough calories. But the natural fruit juice could be taken.

2. Water hydrates the body.

3. The intake of water helps the body to remove several toxins from the body through urine.

4. You need no preparation before taking water.

Why Hands and Feet Become Numb

Sometimes the hands and feet become so numb that we lose the sense of touch and do not feel anything. It is probable that some pain, weakness and stiffness may also appear on the numb parts of the body. The numbness of hand and feet is very painful as the person feels restless.

Human Hand
Wikimedia Commons by Kara98
The numbness of the limbs is a very common problem. There are several reasons for the numbness like continuous pressure on hands and feet, nervous injury, excessive tiredness, habit of smoking, diabetes, deficiency of vitamins or magnesium etc.
There is no need to worry, if the problem persists for few minutes, but it is necessary to consult the physician when the situation remains static for several hours. The prolonged numbness might be the cause of some bigger problem or serious disease.

Home Remedies
There are some home remedies by which the problem could be easily tackled.

Hot Water Bath
First of all put a warm water bottle on the affected area. It will increase the blood circulation and relax the muscles and nerves in the surrounding region. 
Another remedy is to soak a piece of cotton cloth in warm water and place it on the affected place. The hot water bath is another option if the person feels an urge for it.

Start massaging the affected regions as and when the numbness occurs. It will increase the blood circulation and help in removing the numbness. The massage of warm oil of olive, coconut or mustard will give relief in numbness and bring the limbs back to their normal state.

The exercises also increase the blood circulation and enhance the supply of oxygen to the body. The regular exercises of hands and feet for 10 – 15 minutes everyday. The routine of aerobics of half an hour for five days a week should be additionally performed.

Raise the Numb Limb Higher
The numbness generally occurs due to improper blood circulation. It is better to raise the numb part of the body higher to increase the blood flow to the affected parts so that they may function normally. It will help the numb hands or feet to become normal. The affected part could also be placed on a pillow.

The constituents in turmeric increase the blood circulation. It also alleviates the pain swelling and worries associated with the numbness of limbs. Cook a tablespoon of turmeric in a glass of milk and add some sugar to it. The intake of turmeric milk will give instant relief. The massage of the paste of turmeric prepared in water could also be done on the affected place.

The cinnamon contains chemicals and nutrients which increase the flow of blood to the numb limbs. Add a tablespoon each of the powder of cinnamon and honey to a glass of warm water and drink it every day in the morning.