Sunday, 19 April 2015

How Sportaman can Increase the Stamina

It is necessary to change the lifestyle in order to increase the stamina. Good eating habits, nutritious food, positive thoughts and exercises are necessary to boost the stamina.  

Healthy Food
Our health depends upon the food we eat. The balanced diet increases the capacity to work and perform in the sports activities. Eat less fats and more fruits and vegetables. It will keep the body healthy and increase the mental and physical tolerarce.
The Runner
Wikimedia Commons by Daniel Stockman
The exercise is also one of the best ways to increase the stamina. It tires in the beginning, but then the stamina builds up and gives energy for longer durations. The light and regular exercises help in building the stamina in the long run.

Choose the Activity
Choose the work or the activity that gives pleasure to you. If you like cycling of walking, then it helps to increase the stamina. You will feel a great change after running for a long distance or cycling for few kilometers. In dialy routines the swimming, rowing, jogging etc. help to increase the stamina.

Avoid Smoking
The smoking greatly affects the stamina. The bad effect on atamina is more, if you smoke a lot and does physical activity the least. In order to increase the stamina, make sure that you will minimize smoking and give it up altogether.  

Positive Thoughts
The will power and inspiration help in building the stamina. The positive thoughts and full attention towards the goal helps in stamina building. Don’t think about the problems faced by you and involve the family and the friends in achieving the objective of building the stamina. The focus on right things also helps to boost the stamina.

Take Rest
The sufficient rest and enough sleep also helps in building the stamina. It will give sufficient energy to the body and will keep you active throughout the whole day.

Avoid Ilness
Falling ill again and again badly affects the stamina. Try to avoid getting ill. As an example, the best way to avoil cold is to wash the hands again and again in the office or workplace. Don’t touch your eyes or face with your hands. Avoid sharing the pen, cup or anything with sick or ill person.

Listen to Music
Music is the best soother and an excellent motivator. It helps to increase the breath and imagination. It resuces the worries and stress and increases the stamina. It saves the energy loss of the body and makes you feel energetic.

Cross Training

The cross training is the best and the most effective and the safest way to increaser the stamina of the sportsman. It improves the performance and saves from the injuries. Choose two or more activities like swimmmintgor weight ligting etc.  

Thursday, 16 April 2015

How to Cope With Stress in Office

The stress in workplace or office is not uncommon and it is increasing day by day. The chief reasons of stress are the new techniques which require more attention and time. However the short time stress makes the work interesting and inspires the person to work harder thereby giving the sense of fulfillment after the completion of the work.
The Company Office
Wikimedia Commons by Danny Choo 

But the experts are of the view that whenever the stress becomes more intense then it is necessary to check it. There are several reasons for the stress in workplace, but if ir is related to work then it is the responsibility of the incharge or colleagues to help the person cope with stress. 

The Reasons

1. The increased use of technology is the main reason of stress in workplace. In such cases the stress could be alleviated by exercises, nutritious food, relaxation techniques and proper sleep. These are very effective measures. 

2. The stress also appears due to misunderstanding between the challenge and the pressure of the work. 

3. It could be related with the nature of the colleague. Generally the working or the efficient or leadership qualities of some worker induce a sense of inferiority or inefficiency among other colleagues which is also the reason of stress. It is called second head stress. 

4. Some workers work very fast and it leads to stress among their subordinates. They start believing that the fast working is a criterion for expertise. Some fail to perform under the fast leader and become the victims of stress. It is a common psychology that no one wants to be labeled as a sluggish worker.  He starts running against his nature and the failure causes stress. 

The Remedies

Despite all the above factors the calm, ordered and well measured working is the parameter of expertise. Those who understand this generally become successful  and easily cope with the complex works. This attitude reduces the load of stress and complaints. 

The use of desk cycling helps to recharge and reactivate the body without leaving the office premises. It will save from the risks of diabetes and heart problems too.

The design wall calendar is a special calendar and may also be termed as an art. It could be seen in 40,000 ways. This colored calendar was first used by Den Risinger, the artist of Tel Aviv. The calender started in 1987 is presently being used by millions of people.