A relation between the Old Revenue Measurements of Land and Metric Measures
1. Places where Bigha is 968 Square Yards and the Karam is 56 Inches
One Karam (56 Inches) = 01.4224 Meters
One Biswansi (Square Karam) = 02.02322176 Square Meters
One Biswa (20 Biswansi) = 40.4644352 Square Meters
One Bigha (20 Biswa or 968 Square Yards) =809. 288704 Square Meters
Places where Ghumao is 3674 Square Yards and the Karam is 57.5 Inches
One Karam (57.5 Inches)
= 01.4605
One Sarsahi (Square Karam)
= 02.13306025 Square Meters
One Marla (9 Sarsai)
19.19754225 Square Meters
One Kanal (20 Marla)
= 383.9508450
Square Meters
One Ghumao ( 8 Kanal or 3674 Square
Yards) = 3071.60676 Square Meters
3. Places where Ghumao is 4840 Square Yards and the Karam is 66 Inches
One Karam (66 Inches) = 1.6764 Meters
One Sarsahi (Square Karam) = 02.810316960 Square Meters
One Marla (9 Sarsai) = 25.292852640 Square Meters
One Kanal (20 Marla) = 505.85705280 Square Meters
One Ghumao (8 Kanal or 3674 Square Yards) = 4046.8564224 Square Meters
4. Hectare Measurements
One-Meter = 39.3701 Inches
One Centare (One Square Meter) = 1.19599 Square Yards
One Are (100 Centares) = 119.599 Square Yards
One Hectare (100 Ares) = 11959.90 Square Yards
One Hectare = 12.3552686 Bighas